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Man, the unique creation of God, though enclosed in and manifested through the three-fold cell of the body, mind and intellect, has a transcendental existence which is his ‘Spirit’ or ‘Self’. So, the object of education should be to help man in the simultaneous development of all his faculties – Physical, Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual. The higher self in a man actuates him to bridle and finally conquer his animal of baser self and lead to an ideal life dedicated to the service of the society, for progress, peace and welfare.

Education should strengthen man to discover and have his higher self, to cultivate that bent of mind – that attitude of reason – which makes a man a responsible citizen and helps, the balanced growth of the individual and enables him to lead a good life.

PNS ARIHANT PUBLIC ACADEMY, a premier institute of NAJIBABAD. has been relentlessly working for the last 11 years to cater to the needs of the future citizens of our great Nation by providing them with a favourable, inspiring and ennobling atmosphere, fortifying their intellectual, moral, aesthetic and practical capabilities and chiselling them into human beings possessing a high sense of character and integrity.

May the Almighty shower His choicest blessing on PNS ARIHANT PUBLIC ACADEMY-NAJIBABAD, so that it may successfully continue its noble cause to ignite the mind of the youngsters.